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Monday, June 29, 2009

16 of the World’s Most Sought After Exotic Pets

Some people are content to own regular pets such as cats, dogs, birds, and gerbils while others prefer the more exotic, such as chinchillas, sugar gliders, monkeys, pythons etc., wanting the status of having owned an exotic animal.

It is the owner’s choice if they want to take on the many responsibilities that are involved in taking care of an exotic animal. And for those who seek the exotic, unusual and lavish, these pets can help fulfill that desire while adding to one’s status symbol.

There are many exotic pets that are legal to purchase [some even require special licensing] under the correct circumstances, ranging in price from approximately $800 to $138,000.

Most of them are available whether you are rich or poor, however all of these pets demand high attention and lots of time.

Bengal Cat

Bengal cat

No relation to the Bengal tiger, the Bengal cat is a hybrid creation featuring pre-designed genetic characteristics that are crossbred with the likes of something more exotic, such as the Asian leopard cat.

The Bengal cat is a fun loving, always on the go cat that you won’t find resting very often.

The result is a new feline breed that acts much like a mellow domestic, but looks like he just walked off the Savannah plains.

Savannah Cat

savannah cat

Bred in a similar process to the Bengal Cat, the Savannah Cat is bred by mating the African Serval with a smaller domestic cat.

The Savannah inherently has a much more difficult breeding process, because an African Serval is 40lbs and undomesticated and breeding it with a domestic house cat is problematic.

Concurrently, the gestation periods between the two animals are different.

Chinese Crested Hairless Puppies

Chinese Crested Hairless Puppies

These chinese crested hairless puppies weigh about 5 to 12 lbs and are very vivacious, alert and friendly animals. Considered to be one of the rarest dogs, these dogs are prone to sunburning on a hot and clear day.

The dogs first originated in Africa and the animals is most often found to be a very pleasant companion that lives for over 10 to 12 years.

Hyacinth Macaw

Hyacinth macaw

The hyacinth macaw weighs in at four pounds, and the world’s largest parrot species also enjoys a tremendous four-foot wingspan.This South American native mates for life, is easily domesticated and will probably outlive you. In the wild, he eats the nuts from two kinds of palm trees, but one of them, the acuri, he only eats after it has passed through the digestive system of another animal.



This nocturnal rain forest mammal is friendly and affectionate by nature and, therefore, enjoys some popularity among exotic-pet owners.

Despite their sharp, carnivorous teeth they eat bananas, eggs, mangoes, fruit loops, marshmallows, and gummi bears. This preserves their wicked, bacteria-loaded bite for when threatened or scared.

Sugar Glider

Sugar glider

These popular little nocturnal marsupials from northeast Australia weigh no more than about five ounces.

Their lively and curious nature helps them to bond easily with humans. Unfortunately, they’re also social and nocturnal, and want your attention when you can’t give it - at night.

For that reason, it is recommended that you keep at least two.Owners should also provide an environment with branches or vines to satisfy the sugar glider’s desire to climb.

Snow Macaque

snow macaque

The Japanese Macaque, also known as the Snow Monkey, is a terrestrial Old World monkey species native to Japan.

The Snow Macaque is considered a threatened species as we continue to encroach on more and more of the animal’s habitat. Due to this fact, coveted licenses and special permits are mandated to own this very rare animal.

The Snow Macaque is a smaller primate with a lifespan of over 25 years with the distinguishing feature of a hairless red face.

Squirrel monkey

Squirrel monkey

Hailing from Central and South America, the squirrel monkey is omnivorous, measuring in at about 2.75 pounds; they have a number of predators, which is one reason they run with a posse that can number as high as 500.

Speaking proportionately, they have the largest brain of all the primates (that includes humans). Couple that intelligence with a social and affectionate nature, and things like house-training come relatively easy to this monkey.

Mona monkey

Mona monkey

This West African native is an Old World monkey who peaks out at about 15 pounds and lives into his early 20s.

Like any other monkey, this mona monkey also needs to move those crazy limbs. Owners should provide them with an enclosure that permits climbing, swinging, goofing around, and even hiding.

The most difficult job may be monkey-proofing your home, since he can outsmart or out-jiggle most baby-proof methods.



Eerily analogous to humans in life span, behavior and even DNA (we share 94%), chimps have a hold on human fascination and attract the likes of scientists, zoo-goers and potential pet owners.

This remarkable similarity also hints toward why they make for such problematic and unmanageable pets. Chimpanzee can be house-trained, but he’s intelligent enough to have a mind of his own. If he wants to raid the fridge, but fails to outwit you, his 115-pound frame has another option- take it by force.

His average upper-body strength is five times that of a human. With a more sophisticated gripping capacity he could show you up at the gym, but why bother? He can just maul you to death.

Chinchilla Lanigera


Chinchilla’s lifespan is typically about 15 years, but 18-22 years is not uncommon. Its Body length is about 10-14 inches; tail is another 5-6 inches or so.

With gentle handling from a young age most chinchillas will become quite tame and bond closely with their owners, although sometimes they do not like to be held or cuddled.

They are very active and playful. Chinchillas can be kept singly, and usually will do fine as same sex pairs especially if they are littermates or introduced at a young age.

White Lion Cubs

White Lion Cubs

According to Forbes (America’s Priciest Pets), as a pet this cub is the world’s costliest animal. The white lion is not a species unto itself; he’s your standard lion with a potentially fatal flaw. The flaw is a recessive gene that alerts both potential prey (wildebeests, hippos and adult elephants) as well as predators (hunters) to his presence.

The problem with raising a cub is the same as raising some puppies — they grow up. In the case of a white lion, that can mean reaching 500 pounds.

Ball Python

Ball python

There are two types of people: those who like snakes as pets and those who don’t.

It’s doubtful that the red eyes or exotic colors of some of these rare variations will entice the uninterested.

After all, ownership in this case means keeping your 5-foot-long ball python in a 30 gallon tank and feeding it dead mice, rats or gerbils every 10 days for the next 30 years.

Reticulated Python

Reticulated python

Hailing largely from Thailand and Indonesia, reticulated pythons represent the longest known species of snake in the animal kingdom.

How do you keep this monster happy? Start with a fairly large tank for a habitat in which humidity levels and high temperatures must be regulated with some discipline.

Breeders recommend getting a second person to help you feed your reticulated albino type II tiger python ; someone needs to call an ambulance when it mistakes you for a carcass.

Lavender Albino Python Female

Lavender Albino Python

This Albino is very different from the more common form of albinism. The white areas have a nice lavender color and the eyes are a very deep, ruby red. The trait is a simple recessive and is represented in captivity at this time.

Also available from python breeder Bob Clark, the rarity has fueled demand.

Leopard Gecko

Leopard gecko

Leopard geckos may live about 20 years. Leopard geckos reach approximately 8-10 inches in length.

Leopard geckos are commonly yellow and white with black spots (hatchlings start out more striped, and gradually change to the spotted appearance). There are several color and pattern (e.g. jungle) variations.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Goldfish - Common Diseases and Treatments

Goldfish are susceptible to disease and once infected can have a greatly shortened life span. The most common reasons goldfish get sick are if the fish tank is dirty, due to poor filtration, the water and oxygen levels are too low, the temperatures are either too warm or too cold and being improperly fed. Prevention and early detection is the key to help ensure healthy goldfish.

Ich (Ick, Ichtyopthirius, Freshwater White Spot Disease)

Symptoms: Body and/or fins are covered with tiny white dots and rapid gill movements may be noticed in later stages.

Ich is one of the more common diseases of goldfish, and if left untreated, it can be fatal to your fish. Treatment can take many days to cure, and it should be treated promptly since Ich is highly contageous.

The disease is easy to identify. The white dots are small and sometimes numerous, about a millimeter in size. They are easiest to see on the fish's transparent fins. When on the fish, medications have no affect on Ich. As the parasite grows, however, it will eventually drop off the fish to reproduce. At the bottom of the tank, it will form a cyst (also resistant to medications) and soon hatch into hundreds of baby parasites which will seek a new host animal. This process weakens the fish and leaves holes in the fish's body. A badly afflicted fish will likely display rapid gill movements.

Remedy: Contact your vet or pet store for further instruction. Several effective medications are available. It is wise to treat your main tank in order to ensure that you have successfully removed all traces of the parasite from it (although it may be beneficial to also move a badly afflicted fish to a quarantine tank). Leave the filter running, but remove any activated carbon because this substance takes medicine out of the water.

Tail or Fin Rot

Symptoms: Fin rot is a general term for necrotic loss of fin tissue, resulting in split or ragged fins. It is usually the edge of the fin that is attacked, although occasionally a hole may appear in the middle of the fin. The appearance of fin rot can vary between a distinct, semi-circular “bite” shape and a “shredded” effect.

Nearly all cases are caused by stress, fear or poor environmental conditions. Fin rot is often one of the first signs that a goldfish disease problem exists and all cases should be investigated to determine the underlying cause.

Remedy: You must first identify and address the cause of stress, this could be due to a fish disease such as parasites, overcrowding, low oxygen levels, bullying or poor water quality. If caught early, removing the stressor may be sufficient.
Medications used to treat the symptoms include Melafix, Maracyn, salt, antibiotics as a last recourse (such as Tetracycline or Sulfa-based products), hydrogen peroxide bath, or applied to the area (be very careful that this does not touch the gills since this can be fatal).


Symptoms: Grey, or grey-white tufts of cottony material covering areas of the fish's body, sometimes covering almost all of the fish's skin.

When fungus is suspected, there could be several possible causes. All are somewhat similar in appearance, and include common fungus, mouth fungus, and body fungus.

Fungus normally indicates there is another problem which has weakened the goldfish. Some possibilities include parasites or even an injury due to spawning or due to colliding with a tank decoration. Whatever the secondary reason, it should be found and taken into account when the fish is treated for fungus.

Remedy: Improve water conditions and treat promptly. Standard anti-fungal medications, such as methylene blue, are usually very effective, but may affect filtration and water quality. When the disease occurs on open wounds, aquarium salt at a dose of 1-3g/litre can help reduce salt loss.


Symptom: Goldfish is having trouble passing faeces, or are constantly trailing behind the fish. This is often caused by a diet without enough variety, or by feeding too many starchy foods.

Remedy: This problem is easily solved by changing to a diet with more variety and roughage. Some suggestions are live foods, peas, spinach, and tubifex worms. Enticing fish to swallow one grain of Epsom salt is also said to be beneficial.

It is also advised that dry fish food be soaked in water until it is soft before feeding. This helps in digestion, and also reduces the likelihood of constipation.


Symptoms: Dropsy is a bacterial infection that infects the goldfish from the inside and causes the scales to stick out from the goldfish's body. Dropsy can be caused by a bacterial infection which causes kidney failure in goldfish. The problem is, by the time you see the symptoms of dropsy on your goldfish, the damage to the kidneys has already been done.

Remedy: The main defence for dropsy is to keep your goldfish parasite free, which will reduce the chances of bacterial infections, which in turn will reduce the chances of a kidney failure. A broad spectrum anti-bacteria treatment is the best option in most cases.

Pop Eye

Symptoms: Fish's eyes stick out unusually. It is important to realise that some varieties of goldfish have eyes which naturally protrude, like the Moor, the Celestial, and the Water Bubble Eye. With juveniles, it is possible their eyes are developing into their adult configuration. Sometimes a fish will not develop telescopic eyes until it is two years of age.

Pop eye, however, is a condition which causes a fish's eyes to protrude away from the fish's head in an unusual way. Pop eye is usually caused by septicemia or tuberculosis.

Swim Bladder Disorder

Symptoms: A goldfish with swim bladder disorder will periodically float on its side on the water's surface or swim on its side a great deal. Usually it will only be periodically, with the fish sometimes able to swim normally. If a fish lies on its side on the water's surface without moving at all even after touching it, it may indicate a fatal kidney problem which fancy goldfish are prone to.

Remedy: Discourage the goldfish to swim greedily to the surface to suck down food, by soaking flake food before feeding so that it will sink lower in the water so the goldfish will not intake as much air. Also, the food will be less dry and instead of taking on moisture in the digestive tract and swelling up, causing blockages, the food will be moister and easily digestible. An increase of vegetable content in the goldfish's diet may also help, as well as the addition of aquarium salt to the water.


Friday, June 5, 2009

World's Most Beautiful Frogs

Frogs as pet is becoming popular as aquarium fish. Sometimes, these creatures are domesticated because of their small size, fairly attractive looks, and in many cases, because of the undemanding conditions needed to take care of them. Since most frogs do not have the dietary needs of mammals, their food often represents a fraction of the expense needed to nourish dogs or cats.

Argentine Horned Frog (Ceratopphrys ornate)

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The Argentine Horned Frog, a species found in the rainforests of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, is a popular pet frog. This frog with wonderfully bright coloration is known in the pet industry as "Pacman Frog" It is usually the hardiest species and is easy to care for. The Argentine Horned frog has simple requirements as a pet. It usually fed mainly on large adult locusts, black and brown crickets and mice.

Malagasy Rainbow Frog (Scaphiophryne gottlebei)

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The Malagasy Rainbow Frog is also known for a variety of common names like Ornate Hopper, Rainbow Burrowing Frog, Red Rain Frog and Gottlebe’s Narrow-mouthed Frog. It is one of the most highly decorated of the Madagascan frogs. It was named in 2008 as “being among the rarest and most remarkable amphibians” on the planet. Thousands are captured every year for the pet trade.

Albino Pacman Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli)

This variant of Albino Pacman Frog with orange and yellow back is very popular as pet. Its size ranges from 8-13 cm long or3-5 in and can weigh up to 0.5 kg or1 lb. Albino Pacman Frog of Cranwell's Horned Frog is nocturnal and rest with its eyelids open. As a pet they should be kept in a humid environment such as an aquarium with moist substrate (not gravel). They should be fed a mixed diet of crickets, mealworms, small mice, and feeder fish. It should be fed every 2-3 days until the age of 18 months, at which point they should be fed once every 10-14 days.

Magnificent Tree Frog (Litoria splendida)

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Another beautifully colored frog you'll certainly love to have as a pet is the Magnificent Tree Frog or Splendid Tree Frog. It is endemic to Australia and may grow up to 10.4 cm or 4.1 in. With an olive to bright green dorsal surface with a white ventral surface plus undersides of the feet and legs that are bright yellow, it is certainly another beauty of nature to admire.

Green Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)

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The shiny and bright green colored with white spots Green Tree Frog is one of the most popular pet frogs throughout the world due to its docile nature, cartoon-like appearance, and long life expectancy. Other common names for this frog include Australian Green Tree Frog, White's Tree Frog, or Dumpy Tree Frog. It is endemic to Australia.

Common Reed Frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus)

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Amphibian lovers will certainly love to own this colorful and beautiful frog. The Common Reed Frog has one of the most unique and beautiful color combinations and pattern. It can be found in many countries of Africa. This species is not just pretty but unique as well because it had been observed to change their sex organs from female to male. This likely occurs when the population does not have enough males to allow procreation and is accomplished when a chemical trigger activates the sex gene to disintegrate the female organs and develop the male ones.

American Green Tree Frog (Hyla cinerea)

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Green tree frogs are popular species of pet frogs, one of which is the American Green Tree Frog. It is a common backyard species that can often be seen at porch lights, where they may gather to look for insects to eat. This frog is available in most pet stores and they are relatively easy frogs to take care of. They need a large (at least two-gallon) terrarium and do well with bark, pebbles, or even paper towels on the floor of their terrarium.

Red-eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas)

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Puffing big red eyes, orange toes, yellow-green + blue + yellow body color combinations, the Red-eyed Tree Frog, an arboreal species native to Central America, is undoubtedly one of the most beautifully colored frog in the world if not the BEST. The red-eyed tree frog has three eyelids and sticky pads on its toes. Although most colorful frogs are poisonous, the Red-eyed Tree Frog is not. It relies on camouflage to protect itself.

Red Eyed Tree Frog (Litoria chloris)

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This frog is not just a beauty but also medically useful because it was found out that its skin secretions destroy HIV without harming healthy T cells. This adorable frog is also commonly known as the Red-eyed Tree Frog, but unlike the first Red-eyed Tree Frog that is endemic to Central America; this species is native to Australia. The Red-eyed Tree Frog is a uniform bright green above, occasionally with yellow spots, and bright yellow on the underside. The front side of the arms and legs are green, while the underside is yellow or white. The thighs may be blue/purple to blue/black in color in adults. It has golden eyes at the centre, which change to red towards the edge of the eye.

Rana Lemur Naranja (Phyllomedusa tomopterna)

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This pretty creature can be found in the South American countries Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana and Guyana. The Rana Lemur Naranja's natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical swamps and intermittent freshwater marshes.

Oriental Fire BMellied Toad (Bombina orientalis)

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The small but colorful Oriental Fire-bellied Toad found in Korea, China and Russia is commonly kept as pets in land and water vivarium. It is notable for its bright green and black coloration on its back and brilliant orange and black on their underside. This frog is toxic. The toxin is secreted through the skin on the belly in a milky-like substance when the frog is disturbed or frightened.

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It is also commonly kept as a pet in the US. It is fed with small crickets and other small insects and grubs.

Golden Dart Frog (Atelopus zeteki)

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Although the Golden Dart Frog or Golden Dart Frog is a species that belongs to the family of frog that is currently considered the most poisonous vertebrate in the world, some people keep it as a pet. In captivity, the frog is fed with Drosophila fruit flies, cochineals and crickets, the larvae of various insects, and other small live invertebrate foods.

Hyla japonica

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The Japanese Tree Frog, a species distributed from Japan, Korean and China, certainly has the edge among other frog species because the journalist Toyohiro Akiyama carried some Japanese Tree Frogs with him during his trip to the Mir Space Station (the world's first consistently inhabited long-term research station in space) in December 1990.
More colorful frogs you may like as pets.

Madagascan Mantella (Mantella madagascariensis)

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As manifested by the Madagascan Mantella, a species native to Madagascar, yellow and black combination is always one of the best color combinations. The natural habitats of Madagascan Mantella are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist mountains, and rivers.

Cruziohyla calcarifer

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Cruziohyla calcarifer is certainly unique for having two colors in the eye, both grey and yellow. It is also distinct by lacking the reticulated membrane that covers the eye in the genus Agalychnis. The range of this colorful frog extends through Central America into northern South America.

Heterixalus alboguttatus

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Of all the frogs I have searched, Heterixalus alboguttatus, a species native to Madagascar, it is the only frog that has polka dots coloration. Its natural habits are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, subtropical or tropical moist shrubland, subtropical or tropical seasonally wet or flooded lowland grassland.

Granular Poison Frog (Oophaga granuliferus)

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Big eyes plus a bright red combined with speckled grey, the Granular Poison Frog, a species found in Costa Rica and Panama is certainly a beauty. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical, moist, lowland forests. It is threatened by habitat loss.
Hope you enjoyed this. Thank you!

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