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Monday, September 28, 2009

Pregnant Guinea Pig Care

Female guinea pigs become fertile beginning as early as four weeks although pregnancy is not recommended until body weight has reached one pound. If the female is too small she may have trouble delivering the babies and special steps will need to be taken. Consult your veterinarian on the methods you can use to safely help a young sow if you find a pregnant one on your hands.

The average guinea pig pregnancy can last from 64 to 72 days. A female can give birth to one to six babies with three to four being average. Some sources indicate that the longer the gestation period the smaller the litter. By the time birth is eminent, the weight of the babies will account for 30% of the female's total body weight.

In order to support this growth expect your guinea pig to require more food and water as she could be supporting up to six babies. Be sure that the food being fed is particularly high in vitamin C as requirements double to 20 mgs per day during pregnancy. If food pellets are being used this is a good time to double check the quality of the product - look for 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin C as well as 20% crude protein and 16% fiber. Supplement her as usual with fresh fruits and vegetables focusing on foods high in vitamin C. Recommended foods include parsley, cabbage, and dandelion.

During this time be sure and remember to continue to let the pregnant female out for exercise and play. Be careful to avoid unnecessary stomach squeezing as well as stress on the female.

Advice about when to move the pregnant guinea pig into a separate cage is mixed. What is known for sure is that by the time the female gives birth, she'll need to be moved into a separate cage. Male guinea pigs will be a threat to the puppies and the female will be fertile again immediately. No female should have back to back litters as it is cruel and detrimental their health. Some sources indicate that if neutered the father of the puppies can remain in the cage with the mother. If the father is in the cage during birth he may assist with delivery by cleaning and warming the babies. Cooperation is not guaranteed and if the female appears distressed by the presence of the male - remove him from the cage. How early the female is moved is dependent on how much room there is in the existing cage and whether or not the pregnant female appears to be enjoying the company of others. If worried, move the female. In general though, a week before birth should be the minimum.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amanda_Toop

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to Properly Bury Your Pet

When pet loss occurs there are several details that must be attended to. In addition to thinking of ways to memorialize your pet, you must also make a decision on what to do with the body of your deceased pet. While this certainly seems like the worst decision to make, it is a necessary one. Many people opt to bury their pet in a pet cemetery or in another special outdoor spot, such as a backyard area or garden.

While burying your pet is a difficult thing to do, when you do it properly, it can actually be a very healing way to memorialize your pet. Many pet owners opt to put pet grave markers in the spot where their precious companion is buried to ensure there is always a spot to visit and remember the joyous times you shared. There are however, some things to keep in mind when burying your pet to ensure they are buried in the proper manner.

To start, decide if you are going to bury your pet in a casket or not. There are a number of fairly inexpensive pet caskets available online for those that can't stand the thought of handling the remains of their pet in any other manner. Some pet owners opt to wrap the remains in a blanket or cloth, sometimes even the pet's favorite blanket (if they had one) and others choose to remain as natural as possible and bury the remains with nothing at all. Be sure to dig deep enough so that the remains are not affected by weather conditions or other animals scavenging for food. If you have opted to bury your pet in a pet cemetery, there is staff on hand that will usually take of these details for you. Also be sure to check both with your state and county to find out what their rules and regulations are regarding pet burial.

Once you've placed your pet in the grave, you, and whoever you invited to the burial, might opt to say a few words or share some thoughts about your pet and what they meant in your life. This is a shortened pet memorial, which can be an accompaniment to the larger, more elaborate service. Once you've covered the grave, place a pet marker of some sort on the space so you will always know it's there. Some pet owners purchase an official pet grave marker engraved with their pet's name, date of birth, date of death and a favorite saying or quote about their pet. Others choose something more natural, like planting a tree or plant over the space to symbolize the great circle of life. This part of the pet memorial is a personal choice and should be decided according to whatever you feel comfortable doing.

Pet loss and the subsequent burying of your pet can be such a traumatic process. By conducting a proper burial, you ensure the remains are ensconced deep in the earth and not accessible to other scavengers to dig up. Moreover, using a pet headstone or plant or tree of some sort as a pet memorial is a great way to have a constant and positive reminder of the profound impact your pet had on your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colleen_Mihelich

Thursday, September 24, 2009

All About the Guinea Pig

Today the guinea pig is known as an eminently delightful, loving pet considered well suited for children. The history of the animal, or Cavia Porchellus, is less well known. Guinea pigs originated in South America where they lived in the wild and were hunted for food until they were domesticated as early as 5000 BC. The animals were then brought to Europe in the 16th century by European traders where they then became "high status" pets - even Queen Elizabeth I had a piggie!

Why "Pig?"

The exact history of the name "guinea pig" is not well known. Some people believe the name was given because of the pig-like squeal the animal makes. Other people believe the comparison has more to do with the physical appearance, or the time spent eating.

Contributions to Science

Today the guinea pig is well known not just as pet but also as a research animal due to certain physiological similarities with humans. While this is sad for those of us who are fans of the animals, the guinea pig is directly responsible for the creation of a variety of life saving medications and medical procedures. Guinea pigs are still used in medical research for juvenile diabetes, tuberculosis, scurvy, and pregnancy complications.

The Advantages as a Pet

Guinea pigs are part of a group of pets known as "pocket pets" - small animals, usually rodents and hypothetically small enough to fit in one's pocket including rats, mice, rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, and ferrets. Unlike smaller animals, guinea pigs are easier to catch if they escape and due to their size, less likely to hide within furniture or other small crevices that are hard to get to. These sweet furry friends are also less likely to destroy one's wooden furniture but they still require supervision during floor time just to be on the safe side. Guinea pigs are also happy to stay in a cage during the day and will happily return your affection using their own special language of chirps, purrs, and squeaks. Lastly, piggies are known for the adorable tendency to "popcorn" - jump in the air just like kernels of corn that become heated.

Classroom Learning Tool

For years teachers have been keeping guinea pigs in classrooms to be cared for and played with by the children. On the weekends and during extended breaks teachers or students would then take the pet home and care for him or her. While some people still consider this a useful tool for developing a wide variety of projects for students from scientific knowledge to personal responsibility, to budgeting and cage planning, there are a growing number of opponents to this use. Many people feel that being kept alone in a classroom without actual owners is too lonely and cruel. Other people suggest that animals should not be used to teach responsibility as only the animal will suffer the consequences of neglect.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heather_Christine_Jones

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Types of Cat Barrier & Their Benefits

Cats, similar to dogs, are physically active domesticated animals and letting them roam around inside your house without supervision could cause damage and scratches to your beddings and furniture. If you want to prevent that from happening, the use of cat barriers such as cat doors, enclosure or playpen will be very helpful to keep your feline friend in a safe and contained area. Such pet containment systems are also a great way to keep your cat away from aggressive dogs and other dangerous stray animals in the neighborhood.

Here are a few types of cat barriers and the many good benefits they can bring to you and your beloved cat:

Cat Doors
Cat barrier, in the form of a cat door, will allow your kitty to enter and exit the house in a safe manner. As you all know, cats are naturally territorial and they immensely enjoy playing inside and outside the house. If you have a small cat door installed specifically for her, it can make the life of your cat easier and convenient. Hence, there’s no more need to exert effort to open the main door at all times to let her out or in.

Cat Flaps
This unique feline door design will let your cat to enter and exit a house on their own without needing you to open the main door from time to time, while providing protection against wind, rain and other harsh elements.

Cat Enclosures
For outdoor use, cat enclosures are very functional to contain your cat in the backyard or the park. More than being a cage, this spacious cat containment system can serve as an outdoor feline barrier where your furry friend can play, run, exercise and rest safely while enjoying the beauty of the outside world.

Cat Playpens
For indoor use, on the other hand, cat playpens are a great solution. This type of cat barrier provides a comfortable space for your feline pet to stretch out, move around and play inside the house, while preventing her to get in touch with fragile objects such as furniture and other precious decorations. Cat playpen is also ideal to use if you leave your cat home alone.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dog Containment System Importance

Looking after your beloved dog at all times is your responsibility, and in cases when your canine’s behavior becomes uncontrollable, the use of dog containment system can be very useful. Leaving your dog unattended might cause troubles inside or outside your house. You can crate train your dog or put him in dog crates but it will not give him the freedom to roam around.

Besides pampering your dog, it is equally important to give him the necessary freedom and space where he can play and enjoy the beauty of the outside world while ensuring his safety.

Here are some of benefits of using dog containment devices:

With the help of pet containment systems such as dog exercise pens and dog kennels, leaving your canine alone will no longer be an issue! Dog containment devices can either be wireless, electronic or motorized that are installed in traditional fences or under the ground. They are generally portable and can be set up in a few minutes. Many pet containment systems available in the market these days are battery-operated and comes with a training collar that is placed around the dog’s neck. The collar has a receiver that detects when the dog is getting near the wire. Within this boundary, the collar will give a signal to your canine by discharging static stimulation.

Other systems are wireless and have constant radio signal to create a “safe zone” for your pet. Having said that, the primary benefit of using dog containments is that they have the ability to teach your dog to behave properly and stay only within specific locations. Electronic dog containment is also a lot cheaper than setting up traditional metal or wooden dog fences.

You can also prevent your dog from running away or stepping outside the house if you install dog containment devices. This can be particularly effective for controlling aggressive dogs that can destroy your neighbor’s property or attack passersby. You can also keep you dog away from valued properties and causing damage to the flowers, shrubs and other things in your garden or backyard. Dogs, especially puppies, are highly prone to getting lost when they venture out. In order to avoid such incidents from happening, dog owners must install dog containment devices.


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